
作者:赵莹; 张元福; 杨丽敏; 徐怡庄; 翁诗甫; 杨展澜; 武惠忠; 周维金; 徐端夫; 吴瑾光
来源:高等学校化学学报, 2005, (06): 1052-1054.


The blood glucose concentrations of volunteers from diabetes patients and healthy adults(all patients and volunteer who joined this experiment gave their consents) were measured by using a modified WQF-200 FTIR spectrometer with a newly designed ATR accessory. The results of this method are in good agreement with the clinical blood detection. The determination basis for this technique from the physiological point of view are also discussed based on the experimental results, which indicated that the glucose components measured by the FT-Mid-IR-ATR are from the secretions on the skin and glucose components within the body. The glucose components in both sources exhibit a linear relationship with blood glucose concentration within the body. All the results demonstrated that blood glucose concentration can be measured in a convenient, rapid and non-invasive way using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, which is suitable for developing of a new technique to monitor the continuous variation of blood glucose concentration of diabetes patients in real time.