N迆meros cromossˋmicos em Kleberiella V.P. Castro %26amp; Cath. (Orchidaceae, Oncidiinae) e g那neros afins

作者:Penha; Tulio Luiz Laitano; Correa; Andrea Macedo; Catharino; Eduardo Luis Martins
来源:Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2011.


this work aimed to provide cytotaxonomical analysis of species phylogenetically related within the genera kleberiella, alatiglossum and neoruschia based on the determination of chromosome numbers from root meristems. we obtained the chromosome numbers of all species of kleberiella (six species), neoruschia (monospecific) and four of the nine known species of alatiglossum stricto sensu. except for k. longipes, a. barbatum and a. micropogon, which corroborate previous results, all other chromosome numbers are unpublished. chromosome counting proved useful as a taxonomic character in the delimitation of alatiglossum fuscopetalum (2n = 52) and the genus neoruschia (2n = 48) from the other species analyzed. however it was not efficient for delimitation between kleberiella species (all with 2n = 56) and to separate this genus from alatiglossum in which most of the species studied had 2n = 56. th e provable basic number for alatiglossum and kleberiella is x = 28 and for neoruschia x = 24.
