
The objective of this study was to show the association patterns among seven types of dental anomalies (second pre-molar agenesis, upper side incisive reduced in size, lower first molar infra-ochlesis, enamel hypoplasia, first molar ectopic eruption, supra numerous teeth and upper canine ectopic eruption) in a population sample without dental treatment ranging in age from 7 to 14. A total of 172 patients were attended and underwent the clinical examination at the Cl赤nica Infantil da Funda o Educacional de Barretas. Eleven patients from this total were selected according to a first dental anomaly diagnosis and submitted to panoramic radiography. A significant association (p%26lt;0.05) was detected among six pairs of anomalies (second pre-molar agenesis x first pre-molar ectopic eruption; second pre-molar agenesis x lower first molar infra-ochlesis; second pre-molar agenesis x upper side incisive reduced in size; supra numerous teeth x reduced size upper side incisive; first pre-molar ectopic eruption x enamel hypoplasia; lower first molar infra-ochlesis x upper side incisive reduced in size) suggesting a common genetic origin for these conditions. The association was not significant in only one case where there was anomaly sharing by the patients. The existence of an anomaly is clinically relevant for early diagnosis of a possible association and an anomaly can indicate an increased risk of other anomalies. El objetivo de este estudio fue mostrar los patrones asociaci車n entre siete tipos de anomal赤as dentales (agenesia del segundo premolar, incisivo lateral superior en tama o reducido, infra-oclesis del primer molar inferior, hipoplasia del esmalte, erupci車n ect車pica del primer molar, dientes supernumerarios y erupci車n ect車pica de caninos superiores) en una muestra de poblaci車n sin tratamiento dental, de edades comprendidas entre los 7 a 14 a os. Un total de 172 pacientes fueron atendidos y se les realiz車 el examen cl赤nico en la Cl赤nica Infantil da Fundaci車n Educacional de Barretos. Once pacientes de el total fueron seleccionados de acuerdo con un primer diagn車stico de anomal赤as dentales y presentado en la radiograf赤a panor芍mica. Se observ車 una asociaci車n significativa (p %26lt;0,05) entre los seis pares de anomal赤as (agenesia de segundo premolar x erupci車n ect車pica del primer molar; agenesia del segundo premolar x infra-oclesis del primer molar inferior; agenesia del segundo premolar x incisivo lateral superior en tama o reducido; dientes supernumerarios x incisivo lateral superior en tama o reducido; erupci車n ect車pica del primer molar x hipoplasia de esmalte; i
