Deletion of master regulators of the B cell lineage reprograms B cells into T cells. Here we found that the transcription factor Hoxb5, which is expressed in uncommitted hematopoietic progenitor cells but is not present in cells committed to the B cell or T cell lineage, was able to reprogram pro-pre-B cells into functional early T cell lineage progenitors. This reprogramming started in the bone marrow and was completed in the thymus and gave rise to T lymphocytes with transcriptomes, hierarchical differentiation, tissue distribution and immunological functions that closely resembled those of their natural counterparts. Hoxb5 repressed B cell 'master genes', activated regulators of T cells and regulated crucial chromatin modifiers in pro-pre-B cells and ultimately drove the B cell fate-to-T cell fate conversion. Our results provide a de novo paradigm for the generation of functional T cells through reprogramming in vivo.
单位中国人民解放军第二军医大学; 中国人民解放军军事医学科学院; 福建师范大学; 中国科学院大学; 吉林大学; 蛋白质组学国家重点实验室; 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院; 医学免疫学国家重点实验室; 北京大学