
the microwave oven (mo) was introduced in pathology practice in the eighties and has been used in several processes within the laboratory. it was achieved a companson between conventional and microwave processing. histological, histochemical and inmunohistochemical parameters were observed. samples of four kinds of tissues were taken in duplicate, and were processed on an automatic processor and into a microwave oven using a previous used protocol. h-e, pas and alcian blue stains ware used in addition to inmunohistochemicals stains (cd45, cd3, cd20, keratins ae1/ae3, 5/18 and 20, s-100 protein and estrogens and progesterone receptors). techniques were chosen according to the tissue. the slides were evaluated for two blind professionals, whom considered: nuclear and cytoplasm stain, specificity and intensity of histochemical and inmunohistochemical stains. mo made possible a quick delivery of the slides, shorting the time from 12 to 1 hour. shrinking was observed to be higher in mo process than conventional process: tonsils (54.8% v/s 46.6%), intestine (33.3% v/s 22.2%), skin (24.1% v/s 13.7%) y breast (15.1% v/s 26.3%). qualification was found lightly higher on conventional processing. no changes were observed on histochemicals stains. higher intensity of inmunostains was observed just in ae1/ae3 and s100 protein. it was concluded that mo can be used without inconveniences in the pathology laboratory, allowing a rapid diagnose of biopsy samples.
