
the southeast of m谷xico is affected by different forms of hydrological erosion; however, there is no information about its impact on the region, which is necessary for soil conservation programs. thus, the quantity and location of various forms of soil loss due to hydrological erosion were studied, as well as because of karst formations (karsification) (that is, an area of land with limestone rock characterized by depressions and underground currents), in macuspana, tabasco, m谷xico. this area is characterized by plains and lands with slopes over 5% and average annual precipitation of 3186 mm. the main land use is for grazing. the primary geological formations in the region are sedimentary rocks from the tertiary such as limestone, sandstone and conglomerate. in a surface of 2500 km2 , losses of soil were quantified through cracks, crevices, mass movements, tunnels and wells with the methodology proposed by dvwk (1996). field information was recorded in digital maps for topography, land type and geology. the data of the current land use was included, according to what was observed on the field. there were 1334 points of soil loss identified, out of which 28 were cracks, 33 crevices, 56 mass movements, 1198 wells and 19 tunnels. analyses were carried out to explore the relation between the factors and forms of soil loss. in regions with slopes of less than 5% and cynodon plectostachyus vegetation. the rendzic leptosols found over limestone from the oligocene were strongly affected by tunnels and wells cracks, crevices and mass movements were found mainly in peli-eutric vertisols and chromic luvisols with slopes between 5 and 30% and with paspalum notatum or cynodon plectostachyus vegetation. the formation of wells is not considered in predictive models used for estimating the risk of hydrological erosion. we conclude that the areas studied urgently require the application of conservation and restoration techniques.
