Produˋˋo brasileira em peri車dicos psiqui芍tricos de alto fator de impacto em 2005

作者:Galileu; Dante; Rocha; Felipe Filardi da; Nicolato; Rodrigo; Teixeira; Antonio Lucio; Romano Silva; Marco Aurelio; Correa; Humberto
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 2006.


objective: we evaluated the brazilian scientific production published in the year 2005 in the twenty psychiatric periodicals with high impact factor (if) according to journal of citation report (jcr), 2004. methods: from 90 periodicals with if ranging from 11,207 to 0,13, we selected all articles from periodicals with if higher than percentile 75 (n = 20). we assessed which articles had at least one author affiliated to a brazilian institution as well as articles that had only brazilian authors or first/senior author belonging to a national institution. secondly, the state distribution of the author(s) affiliation was determined. results: among 4,859 articles examined, 54 (1,11%) had at least one author from a brazilian institution and 22 had first senior author belonging to a national institution, excluding the 32 publications composed only by brazilian authors. the distribution by state showed sˋo paulo at first with 34 articles (55.73%) and absolute predominance of south-outheast region (96.72%). conclusion: although psychiatry brazilian publications had demonstrated apparent quantitative and qualitatite growing, our scientific production on the area is highly concentrated in a few states.
