Doenˋa de Crohn metast芍tica sem manifestaˋˋo cl赤nica intestinal

作者:Fernandes; Marcelo D’ Ambrosio; Fernandes; Helena D' Ambrosio; Deliza; Rosangela; Pires; Caio Eduardo Ferreira; Bortoncello; Angela Cristina
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2009, 84(6): 651-654.


the authors report the case of a 47-year-old female patient with dispersed ulcerated skin lesions that appeared 7 years before medical follow-up. histopathological and endoscopic findings of such lesions led to the diagnosis of a rare disorder: metastatic crohn*s disease. this diagnosis is even more relevant because there is no case report in the literature of crohn*s disease restricted to cutaneous lesions, without major gastro-intestinal complaints.
