
En los textos hist車rico-naturalistas de J. I. Molina (1987 [1810]), (2000 [1788]), F. J. Clavijero (1991 [1780]) y J. de Velasco (1946 [1789]) se aprecia la complejidad del sujeto que enuncia desde una paratop赤a (Maingueneau, 2004) que reconocemos como la del %26quot;exilio jesuita americano%26quot;, empleando formas y estrategias discursivas literarias que revelan un sistema de apropiaci車n simb車lico-literaria del espacio americano, fundado en la experiencia y %26quot;la vocaci車n de justicia que anima a la narraci車n%26quot; (Oyarz迆n, 2008:9). Se trata de un discurso complejo que junto con ser %26quot;cient赤fico%26quot;, incorpora elementos que contribuir芍n a prefiguraciones de la naci車n criolla (Brading, 1991), vinculadas a la naturaleza (Molina), a la historia antigua (Clavijero) y al mito (Velasco). Mi aproximaci車n a estas historias naturales se orienta a dar cuenta de qu谷 modo la experiencia del espacio criollo influy車 en las formas de representaci車n de la realidad americana desde un sujeto en el exilio que se instituye narrativamente como agente de %26quot;verdad%26quot; sobre el Nuevo Mundo. In Historical-Naturalists texts of J. I. Molina (1987 [1810], 2000 [1788]), F. J. Clavijero (1991 [1780]) and J. de Velasco (1946 [1789]) appreciates the complexity of the subject that he enunciates from a paratop赤a (Maingueneau, 2004) which we recognize as that of %26quot;American Jesuit exile%26quot;, using literary forms and discursive strategies that reveal a system of symbolic-literary appropriation of the American space, been founded on the experience and %26quot;the justice vocation that encourages to the narration%26quot; (Oyarz迆n, 2008:9). It is a question of a complex speech that together with being %26quot;scientist%26quot;, incorporates elements that will contribute to prefiguraciones of the nation %26quot;criolla%26quot; (Brading, 1991), linked to nature (Molina), to ancient history (Clavijero) and mith (Velasco). My approach to these natural histories is oriented to give account how the experience of the space %26quot;criollo%26quot; influenced in the forms of representation of the American reality from a subject in the exile that is institued narratively like agent of %26quot;truth%26quot; on the New World.
