The remarkable words we find in the introduction of Democracy in America induces the reader to the hope that social equality will arrive by itself, independent of men*s will. However, it seems to us that this introduction should not be read independently from the text that comes just before, neither of other Tocqueville*s books which make us understand: in first place, that there is a binding between social conditions and politics; and, in second place, that this binding implies mutual determination. In this sense, it is very illustrative the analysis by Tocqueville of the industrialization process in North-America and the rural exodus accompanying the industrialization in England and Ireland at beginning of the 19th. In both cases, the author observes that the new industrial system produces, apart of material goods, two inalterably opposed classes in the social and political scene. Based on this analysis, Tocqueville denounces those hard relations holding between the social and political extents. Therefore, in the symposium about Alexis de Tocqueville*s ideas nowadays, which press us to think our time using his ideas, our purpose is to analyze the tension lying under the reciprocal determination between equality of social conditions and political freedom. Next, we envisage a discussion over the issue of political commitments (for state institutions and for citizenship action) in order to construct social conditions warranting freedom and equality as a common right for all citizens. La fuerza de las palabras presentes en la introducci車n de La Democracia en Am谷rica predispone al lector a considerar que la igualdad social de condiciones advendr芍 por si misma, queriendo los hombres o no. No obstante, me parece que esta introducci車n no debe ser le赤da independientemente del texto que antecede, ni de las dem芍s obras de Tocqueville que nos hacen comprender, en primer lugar, que hay un v赤nculo directo entre condiciones sociales y pol赤ticas y, en segundo lugar, que este v赤nculo implica una mutua determinaci車n. En este sentido, es bastante ilustrativo el an芍lisis de Tocqueville sobre los procesos de industrializaci車n norteamericano y de 谷xodo rural e industrializaci車n en Inglaterra y Irlanda en inicios del siglo XIX. En ambos casos, el autor observa que el nuevo sistema industrial produce, adem芍s de bienes materiales, dos clases antag車nicas e inalterables que conforman el escenario social y pol赤tico. Basado en estos an芍lisis, Tocqueville denuncia las relaciones dif赤ciles entre el 芍mbito social y el pol赤tico. De esta manera, en la jornada sobre la vigencia del pen