An芍lisis Morfom谷trico del Efecto del L芍ser Infrarrojo sobre Hepatocitos de Rata

作者:Cornejo; R; Matamala; F; Silva; H; Garrido; O
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2009, 27(3).


the infrared lasser emitted by the gallium arsenide diode provides an adequate therapy for articular lessions due to their healing, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory powers. it also promotes at cellular level mitochondrial atp synthesis, modulates calcium channels and activate mitotic processes by increasing dna and protein synthesis. to determine the effective doses which stimulates rat liver protein synthesis, several samples from normal and irradiated tissues to intensities of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 joules/cm2 by 15 consecutive days were taken. these samples were later prepared and observed under transmission e.m. (10000x) and analyzed by morphometric studies, where volume and organelle distribution, such as nucleus, cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, glycogen inclussions, nucleolus, eu and heterochromatin were accounted, together at nuclear-cytoplasmic relationships and the cellular and nuclear areas. under comparison normal and irradiated hepatocytes presented a significative difference in all evaluated parameters. it can be concluded that at certain specific level of infrared irradiation, hepatocytes alter their morphology by modifyng those cellular components involved in protein s赤ntesis.
