
In the young Nordic countries, where nature clearly predominates over monuments, the first scripts were sought from among the canonical literary texts of their various languages, on the assumption that literature had already inscribed the social development of the countries concerned. Well into the 20th century, when their cultural identities had been defined, film directors turned to the construction of individual identities, hence choosing children and adolescents as their preferred protagonists. In the last third of the century, aided by the corresponding Film Academies, many women embarked on careers as directors. A number of them are discussed here, together with their most significant films. Particular attention is paid to Mai Zetterling and Liv Ullmann, however, since they were not only fundamental for their own countries, Sweden and Norway respectively, but for the history of cinema in general. Los j車venes pa赤ses n車rdicos, en los que predomina la naturaleza sobre los monumentos, han buscado sus primeros guiones cinematogr芍ficos entre las obras literarias can車nicas de sus diferentes lenguas, porque aquellas hab赤an inscrito ya el desarrollo social de los diferentes pa赤ses. Una vez implementada su identidad hist車rico-cultural, muy adelantado el siglo XX, el cine n車rdico pasa a centrarse en la construcci車n identitaria individual, siendo la infancia y la juventud protagonistas favoritas de muchas pel赤culas. En el 迆ltimo tercio del siglo, al amparo de las diferentes academias de cine, surge un n迆mero sustancial de mujeres que dirigen; har谷 una referencia general a varias de ellas y sus pel赤culas y prestar谷 algo m芍s de atenci車n a dos directoras fundamentales para la historia del cine en general: Mai Zetterling, que supone una clara internacionalizaci車n de temas y estilo en el cine sueco, y Liv Ullmann, que nos proporciona la mirada cl芍sica art赤stica del cine noruego.
