
Scientific literature, although limited in this area, supports the hypothesis that asthma, by means of selective leukocyte trafficking between the various mucosal and glandular sites of the body, can have the same pathophysiological effects on the stomach as the airways. This study aimed to determine if asthma, in the absence and presence of various asthma therapies (Hydrocortisone and Modul8TM), imparted any morphological alteration on the stomach parietal and chief cells. The BALB/c murine asthmatic mouse model was the model of choice in this study. The asthma induction protocol as well as the asthma therapies were proved to be effective with the aid of bronchial lavage fluid leukocyte quantification. Fundic and pyloric biopsies were extracted at termination and assessed by means of transmission electron, scanning electron and light microscopy. The extracted fundic and pyloric biopsies revealed asthma alone induced parietal cell hypertrophy (increase in parietal cell size P %26lt; 0.000100 in both stomach regions) and chief cell hyper functioning. The use of Hydrocortisone and Modul8TM, as a therapy to correct the perceived gastric alterations were dismal; only in the case of fundic parietal cells were both treatments able to compensate for the hypertrophic effect caused by asthma, while in the pylorus parietal cell asthma- induced hypertrophy was only compensated for by Modul8TM. La literatura cient赤fica, aunque limitada en esta 芍rea, apoya la hip車tesis de que el asma, por medio del tr芍fico selectivo de leucocitos entre los diferentes sitios y la mucosa glandular del cuerpo, puede tener los mismos efectos fisiopatol車gicos en el est車mago y las v赤as respiratorias. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar si el asma, en ausencia y presencia de diversos tratamientos para el asma (hidrocortisona y Modul8 TM), gener車 alguna alteraci車n morfol車gica en las c谷luals parietales y principales del est車mago. El modelo murino BALB/c del rat車n asm芍tico fue el modelo de elecci車n en este estudio. El protocolo de inducci車n de asma, as赤 como el tratamiento del asma demostr車 ser eficaz con la ayuda de lavado bronquial y cuantificaci車n leucocitaria del fluido. Biopsias de las regiones f迆ndica y pil車rica fueron extra赤das y evaluadas por medio de microscop赤a electr車nica de transmisi車n, de barrido y de luz. Las biopsias extra赤das de la regi車n f迆ndica y pil車rica revelaron que el asma solamente induce hipertrofia de las c谷lulas parietales (aumento del tama o de las c谷lulas parietales P %26lt;0,00001 en ambas regiones del est車mago) e hiperfuncionamiento de las c谷lulas principales. El us
