Estudo do diagn車stico de enfermagem fadiga em gestantes atendidas numa unidade b芍sica de atenˋˋo 角 sa迆de

作者:Alves; Viviane Moreira; Moura; Zelia Arcanjo; Palmeira; Isaura Leticia Tavares; Lopes; Marcos Venicios de Oliveira
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2006.


aim: to analyze the nursing diagnosis %26quot;fatigue%26quot; in pregnant women. methods: a cross-sectional descriptive design was used to conduct this study. data were collected from 66 pregnant women using structured interviews and physical examination. data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, and association tests. results: 72.7% of pregnant women had fatigue. the most common defining characteristics of fatigue were increased physical complaints (78.8%), sleepiness, noisy environmental (66.7%), and exhaustion (65.2%). and, the most common related factors to fatigue were more boring life style (54.5%), anxiety (45.5%), and anemia (40.9%). conclusion: the nursing diagnosis %26quot;fatigue%26quot; among pregnant women had important defining characteristics and related factors that should be considered and addressed by nurses.
