Anatomia microcir迆rgica das art谷rias infratentoriais: um estudo estereosc車pico

作者:Isolan; Gustavo Rassier; Pereira; Adamastor Humberto; Aguiar; Paulo Henrique Pires de; Antunes; apio Claudio Martins; Mousquer; Joo Pedro; Pierobon; Marcel Rozin
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2012.


background: the infratentorial space is a region with a complex network of arteries supplying the cerebellum and brainstem. its complex three-dimensional anatomy must be thoroughly understood by the vascular neurosurgeon and the interventional radiologist. objective: to describe the main arteries of the infratentorial space and its trajectory and its relationship to the topography of the neural structures. methods: we studied 30 formalin-fixed human brains and we also dissected 6 cadaver heads, using a surgical microscope with 3x to 40x magnification. the brains and all heads were injected with colored silicone. the anatomical dissections were documented with a three-dimensional method, aiming to produce stereoscopic prints. results: the neurovascular relationships, segments and branches of the basilar artery, superior cerebellar, anteroinferior cerebellar, cerebellar and posteroinferior vertebral are described. conclusion: the microsurgical anatomy of the infratentorial arteries is complex and the stereoscopic images presented are an important tool for documentation.
