Since the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) was put forward,t he Ch i nese gove r n ment ha s cont i nuou sly promoted f i na ncial cooperation and made financial intermediation an important support of its framework. Starting from this cooperation as promoted under the framework of the BRI generally and the bilateral financial cooperation between China and the Visegrád Group(V4) specifically, this paper comprehensively analyzes the historical context of financial cooperation and the data details in the economic areas between China and the V4, and compares the financial cooperation between the EU and the V4 countries. It points out that this cooperation has had an overall development. However, owing both to the unbalanced trade between China and the V4 and to the great differences in their financial systems,its continued development has been hindered. In addition, there is not enough capacity for financial service nor are there enough institutions of financial cooperation to support this development. Hence, looking at the factors affecting financial cooperation, this study puts forth four aspects to promote the development of financial cooperation between China and the V4: strengthening political cooperation, improving financing tools and the level of financial-cooperation service, strengthening financial supervision, and cooperation with multilateral financial institutions.
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