Bilioenterostomy is the one of the main therapy options for extrahepatic and perihilar biliary diseases(benign and malignant tumors, congenital biliary dilatation, inflammatory stricture of bile duct reconstructive drainage of bile duct after lesion and iatrogenic injury of bile duct) resection and is a common procedure for hepatobiliary surgery. It's necessary to take a further consideration in the choice of operation type, anastomosis method, suture and the placement of biliary stent in the bilioenterostomy for the hepatobiliary surgeon, since the incidence of postoperative complications such as anastomotic stenosis and reflux cholangitis will increase on account of the difference and inappropriateness of these choices. Currently, the development of techniques relating bilioenterostomy has become more proficient and some viewpoints have been unified. However, there are still some controversies in clinical application. It is necessary for surgeon to make the appropriate and reasonable choice on the basis of the specific circumstances in patients.