Understanding the impact of land use change on ecosystem carbon storage is important for protecting mountain ecosystems and regional economic and socially sustainable development in arid areas. Based on the land use data of the Xinjiang Tianshan Mountains from 1990 to 2020, the carbon storage and its spatial distribution pattern of the study area from 1990 to 2020 were estimated using the InVEST model carbon storage module, and the influence of land use change on carbon storage was analyzed. The results showed that: (1) The land use types of the study area were mainly grassland and unused land, followed by permanent glaciers and snow, and forest land, with very little area of shrubs, waters, construction land, and wetlands. (2) The carbon storage showed a continuous trend, with a total increase of 19.49 Tg. Grassland, unused land, and forest land contributed the most to the total carbon storage. (3) The spatial distribution pattern of carbon storage in the last 30 years was relatively stable, and nearly 88% of the regions are significantly unchanged. The spatial distribution pattern was closely related to the vertical natural zone distribution. (4) The transformation of three land use types: grassland, permanent glaciers and snow, and unused land, was the main contributor to the spatial and temporal evolution of carbon storage in the Tianshan Mountains. This study can provide scientific support for carbon balance management and policy formulation of emission reduction and sink enhancement in mountain ecosystems in arid regions. It is also important for building the Green Silk Road and the China- Central Asia community of destiny.
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