In this paper a new kind of splines, called quadratic non坼uniform algebraic trigonometric B坼splines (quadratic NUAT Bsplines)with multiple shape parameters are constructed over the space spanned by { }. As eachpiece of the curves is generated by three consecutive control points, they possess many properties of the quadratic B坼splinecurves and quadratic trigonometric B坼spline curves. These curves have continuity with non坼uniform knot vector. Thesecurves are closer to the control polygon than the quadratic B坼spline curves and quadratic trigonometric B坼spline curves whenchoosing special shape parameters. The shape parameters serve to local control in the curves. The changes of one shapeparameter will only affect two curve segments. Taking different values of the shape parameters, one can globally or locally adjustthe shapes of the curves. The generation of tensor product surfaces by these new splines is straightforward.