The pace at which a space agency or any space sector company develops depends greatly on the level of space governance in the nation where it operates and international cooperation. The Venezuelan government is aware of the significance of space activities and impact in growth of the country’s various economic sectors. As the People’s Republic of China expressed interest in transferring technology to Venezuela to build local capabilities for satellite operations in the field of telecommunications and later in the field of remote sensing, cooperation between the two countries has played a significant role in the development of the Venezuelan Space Program. At the moment, Venezuela is working to consolidate activities related to the design, assembly, integration, and testing of spacecraft. In the quest to strengthen the ties of cooperation between the two nations, the People’s Republic of China invited the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela during the month of April 2023 to form part of the cooperation on the International Lunar Research Station project, which represents an opportunity for the Latin American country to participate in new projects and be able to contribute in some of the categories established for the mentioned program.