Processo de cuidar do idoso em Di芍lise Peritoneal Ambulatorial Cont赤nua no domic赤lio

作者:Ribeiro; Daniele Favaro; Marques; Sueli; Kusumota; Luciana; Ribeiro; Rita de Cassia Helu Mendona
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2009, 22(6): 761-766.


objectives: to describe the elders with end stage renal disease (esrd) undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd), their caregivers, and the care the caregivers provide to the elders. methods: this was a qualitative study with 9 caregivers. data were collected through oral history. data analysis consisted of thematic content analysis. results: the sample consisted of 5 male and 4 female elders and all them were dependent on caregivers to change the dialysis collection bag. the mean age of the participants was 70 years. among the caregivers, 8 of them were female with a mean age of 41.5 years and they provided 8 hours of care to the elders daily. the main theme emerging from the content analysis was %26quot;home care for the elderly undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.%26quot; conclusion: caregivers need support for the development of knowledge and skills to deal with the elders%26apos; demand of care, particularly in regard to the management of capd.
