
we describe the morphology of nine species of protium, ranging from germination to seedling formation, and characterize gross morphology of fruits and seeds in order to assess the usefulness of these characters for systematics of the group. fruits were collected in the adolpho ducke forest reserve in december/2004, april/2005 and january/2006. the fruits are dehiscent and usually 1-3 locules develop. the pyrenes are ovoid to ellipsoid, and the surface is differentiated around the funicle scar. most species had hypogeal, cryptocotylar germination, but p. gallosum and p. apiculatum had epigeal, fanerocotylar germination. the most relevant morphological characters for distinguishing these species are color, shape and surface of the fruit and pyrene, and form and texture of the eophylls. furthermore, the series of characters based on composition, margin and apex of the eophylls, type of germination, and cotyledon morphology helped to distinguish the species and will serve to support future phylogenetic studies.
