
The combined process of microbiological assisted iron-carbon micro electrolysis pretreatment-anaerobic baffle reactor coupled microbial cell (ABR-MECs)-sequencing batch activated sludge reactor (SBR) was developed for cost-effectively treating phenolic resin production wastewater, the experimental results showed that microbiological assisted iron-carbon microelectrolysis pretreatment could greatly improve the biodegradability of wastewater, and reduce the cost of the process. After the ABR-MECs process, 90.20% to 94% phenol and 97% formaldehyde could be removed. The effluent COD from SBR process was lower than 100 mg·L?1, phenol concentration was lower than 1 mg·L?1, and formaldehyde could not be detected, which meets the third level discharge standard of the People's Republic of China comprehensive sewage discharge standard (GB 8978-1996). The pretreatment cost in the combined process was about 10.48 yuan·m?3, and the cost of anaerobic treatment was about 22.35 yuan·m?3. Compared to traditional treatment process, it has a certain cost advantage. This can provide reference for high-effective and low-cost removal for phenolic wastewater.
