Discovery of ~338 Ma Shibanjing Plagiogranite in the Beishan Area, NW China, and its Geological Significance

作者:FU Yangang; CAI Yongwen; MA Shengming*; XI Mingjie; GAO Jianweng; WANG Zhenliang
来源:Acta Geologica Sinica, 2020, 94(02): 577-579.


<正>Objective The Beishan area, located on the southern margin of the Central Asian orogenic belt, includes four main ophiolitebearing belts. From north to south, these are the Hongshishan ophiolitic belt, the Jijitaizi-Xiaohuangshan ophiolitic belt, the Hongliuhe-Xichangjing ophiolitic belt,

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