
the focus of this paper was to detect microclimate changes in manaus city (am), brazil in attempting to indicate possible causes for the fluctuations and trends observed. the analysis is based on meteorological and shallow geothermal records. the meteorological data indicated an increment of 0.27 ㊣ 0.04 oc in the mean surface air temperature during the last 80 years with reference to the 1950-1979 climatological mean and this increment has not been continuous, but seem to be modulated by frequency of el niˋo, la niˋa e neutral events over the tropical pacific ocean. though, quasi-instantaneous increment of 3.17 ㊣ 0.53 oc was determined from geothermal data, which is associated with the land-use changes. from shallow geothermic data under sites with vegetation cover we verified that transient perturbations are good indicators of recent annual climate variability, while analysis of temperature profiles data under sites without vegetation cover seem to indicate microclimate changes related to the anthropogenic actions like deforest and urbanization action.
