An examination of the apothecary or pharmacy regulations of Barcelona from the 14th to the 16th centuries shows not only that artisans and craftsmen took advantage of the ius statuendi%26apos;s concessions to the city government to serve their own interests, but also turned to the king to consolidate their professional position through privileges when they saw this as advantageous. L*estudi de l*evoluci車 de la regulaci車 de l*art de l*especieria o apotecaria a Barcelona permet copsar com les arts i els oficis no solament s*aprofitaren en benefici propi de la cessi車 del ius statuendi al govern municipal, sin車 que, quan ho van considerar convenient, van acudir al rei per tal que consolid谷s per via de privilegi la seva posici車 de for a en el seu camp professional.