
this is an undergraduate nursing student experience report with a community project to prevent drug use among teenagers. the project consists of preventive educational interventions to teenagers, aged 15 to 17 years, attending the %26quot;programa agente jovem de desenvolvimento social e humano - young agent program for the social and human development.%26apos; this program, which is coordinated by the social services department of the district of ribeirˋo preto, brazil, is funded by the brazilian federal government. an interdisciplinary approach is used to address several community issues such as violence, the environment, teenager%26apos;s sexuality, the use of drugs, and opportunities for engagement in life experience projects. the program uses workshops to provide information, provoke discussions, and stimulate reflections on the main aspects of substance abuse and on strategies teenagers can use to develop coping skills. the program provided the undergraduate nursing student with an excellent experience with community project, which is very important in determining innovative nursing practices.
