
FOrmic acid is a prOmising materia1 fOr chemica1 hydrOgen stOrage,which can be used as direct fue1 fOr cryOgenic 1iquid fue1 ce11.As anOde materia1s fOr direct fOrmic acid fue1 ce11(DFAFC),Pd-based cata1ysts have gOOd cata1ytic activity fOr fOrmic acid OxidatiOn,which can OvercOme the pOisOning Of CO and carry Out via direct rOute Of the e1ectrOchemica1 OxidatiOn Of fOrmic acid.Reducing nOb1e meta1 cOntent,imprOving cata1ytic activity and stabi1ity are the main directiOns in the research fie1d Of Pd-based cata1ytic materia1s.The e1ectrOOxidatiOn and cata1ytic mechanism Of Pd-based cata1yst fOr fOrmic acid at present was main1y intrOduced.The preparatiOn Of Pd a11Oy cata1yst,the cOntrO1 Of specia1 mOrphO1Ogy and the enhancement Of carbOn 1Oading On fOrmic acid OxidatiOn activity in recent five years were reviewed.It has practica1 significance fOr the cOntinuOus deve1Opment Of Pd-based cata1yst. ? The Author(s), 2021.
