Avaliaˋˋo da rinussinusite bacteriana aguda em pacientes asm芍ticos com base em parametros cl赤nicos, exame otorrinolaringol車gico e estudo de imagem

作者:Faure; Alecsandra Calil Moises; Santoro; Ilka Lopes; Weckx; Luc Louis Maurice; Lederman; Henrique Manoel; Fernandes; Artur da Rocha Correa; Fernandes; Ana Luisa Godoy
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2008.


objective: to evaluate paranasal sinuses in patients with stable or acute asthma in order to determine the prevalence of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. methods: a cross-sectional study including 30 patients with acute asthma (73% females) treated in the emergency room and 30 patients with stable asthma (80% females) regularly monitored as outpatients. all patients completed a questionnaire on respiratory signs and symptoms and were submitted to ear, nose and throat (ent) examination, as well as to x-ray and computed tomography (ct) imaging of the sinuses. results: based on the clinical diagnosis, the prevalence of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis was 40% in the patients with acute asthma and 3% in those with stable asthma. the ent examination findings and the imaging findings in isolation were not useful to confirm the diagnosis. conclusions: in themselves, ent examination findings, x-ray findings and ct findings were not useful for the diagnosis of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. our results provide further evidence that a clinical diagnosis of bacterial rhinosinusitis should be made with caution.
