objectives: to determine the impact on breastfeeding sustained beyond two months of the %26quot;seventeen steps%26quot; breastfeeding maintenance program consisting of seventeen strategies used to promote, support and protect breastfeeding and implemented for ten months at a medical center. methods: non randomized clinical trial, involving 147 children born between 01/01/99 and 31/12/2001, who had attended their first medical appointment before two months; 67 children who had passed through the traditional program were studied retrospectively and 80 that had the %26quot;17 steps%26quot; applied to them were studied prospectively. maximum follow up period was ten months. the program%26apos;s impact on breastfeeding was evaluated through survival analysis techniques. the survival curves were described by the kaplan meier method and compared with the log-rank test. the cox regression model was used for covariate adjustment. the initial group comparison was done through the t, kruskal-wallis and chi-squared tests. the significance level adopted was 5%. results: adjusting for mother-child covariates, a significant difference was observed in breastfeeding duration between the two groups (p = 0.047). the relative risk of interrupting breastfeeding for the %26quot;17 steps%26quot; group was rr = 0.54 (95ci = 0.30-0.99), indicating that there was an 85% greater risk that children on the traditional program would be weaned before completing a year than there was that children on the %26quot;17 steps%26quot; program would be. conclusion: the program had a positive impact on the duration of breastfeeding from two to twelve months of age.