
Lightweight design considering of efficiency, electromagnetic parameters, insulation performance and heat dissipation of traction transformer becomes increasingly prominent with rapidly increasing of traction power of high-speed railway locomotives in China. Based on the design of enhanced heat exchange and liquid cooling insulation system, a core electromagnetic structure of high-speed railway vehicle mounted traction transformer is proposed in this paper. The transformer winding is composed of multi pie coils which have liquid cooling flow channel. Taking the turns of high and low voltage windings, core diameter and working flux density as optimization parameters, and transformer loss, insulation and reactance parameters as constraints, the lightweight design of traction transformer has been realized based on the genetic optimization algorithm. A 900kV?A traction transformer prototype with enhanced cooling by non-oil liquid has been manufactured. The optimization results shows that the core part has a significant impact on the lightweight of traction transformer, and the overall weight of the transformer can be effectively reduced by increasing the working magnetic density of the core and the working electrical density of winding accompany with enhanced cooling system. Test results verified the optimum design results of parameters such as transformer loss, short-circuit reactance and the effectiveness of lightweight method for electromagnetic structure.
