Preval那ncia baixa de adenov赤rus em crianˋas com diarreia em Belo Horizonte-MG

作者:Duarte; Ricardo Jenner; Mendes; Edilberto Nogueira; Penna; Francisco Jose; Peret Filho; Luciano Amedee; Magalhes; Paula Prazeres
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2012.


introduction: several microorganisms, among them enteric adenovirus, are widely recognized as etiological agents of acute diarrhea. the association between adenovirus and the disease varies among geographical regions and is poorly known in brazil. objectives: to investigate the presence of adenovirus in stool samples from children with and without diarrhea in belo horizonte-mg. to study factors associated with enteric adenovirus infection. material and method: a qualitative immunochromatographic assay (kit vikiaˋ rota-adeno, biom谷rieux) was performed to detect adenovirus antigens in stool samples from 268 children with acute diarrhea and 124 without diarrhea at hospital infantil joˋo paulo ii from january/2005 to december/2006. clinical, laboratory, and epidemiologic data were recorded in spss database (spss statistical package, ibm). results: adenovirus was detected in 16 samples (4.1%): 12 of them (4.5%) were from children with acute diarrhea and 4 of them (3.2%) from children without diarrhea. the viral infection was more prevalent among girls and the age distribution was homogenous. among the 16 children infected by adenovirus,11 (68.8%) were younger than 12 months old. however, no significant statistical difference was observed within the analyzed parameters. there was no seasonal distribution of adenovirus infection. conclusion: our data demonstrate that the prevalence of enteric adenovirus infection is low among children with diarrhea in belo horizonte-mg.
