
health sciences requires of explicit, systematic and replicable knowledge (scientific evidences) that can be applicable and widespread. it guarantees effectiveness, safety and effectiveness in the health care. infomed invests funds for paying collections that they contain pre-evaluated and filtered synthesis resources but that ones are ignored, undervalued and disabled by the cuban professionals. the methodology for searching, acquiring and assessing evidences is a critical point for an easier and quicker access to the information but is underemployed. %26quot;evidences and health%26quot; is a virtual space where a big quantity of information sources based on the evidence converges to confront the dispersion, the ignorance and underemployment of the same ones. the website approaches theoretical, conceptual, methodological elements related with the use and generation of evidences and it offers a wide range of informational and educational resources, and tools for the application of the knowledge. the website was built using the content management system adminpor 1.0 and the blogs as a typical technology of the web 2.0. now the website is available in internet (http://www.sld.cu/sitios/evidencias/), through infomed.
