objective: to verify the effectiveness of a cognitive-motor intervention on depressive symptoms in idiopathic pd patients. methods: this longitudinal design study assessed 26 patients, divided into experimental and control groups. the subjects were evaluated by means of the geriatric depression scale, being, the experimental group, submitted to a six-month protocol of physiotherapeutic exercises on motor and cognitive functions. with respect to the data analysis, were applied the repeated measure analysis of variance, the contrast statistic and the student-t test for independent samples, with a significant level of 5%. results: the results showed homogeneity of the groups at baseline and the experimental group achieved a trend of significance in the interaction %26quot;moment of intervention versus group%26quot;, as evidenced by the alpha error of 6% with a linear contrast data curve. conclusion: the proposed protocol has been well accepted by patients diagnosed with idiopathic pd. although we couldn%26apos;t contemplate an interval of confidence of 95%, the significant trend obtained represents a potential of this protocol, but with a need of further corroborative studies.