A Mixed-Technique Method in the Training of Children*s Learning Disabilities

作者:Haghighat zadeh R; Amiri S; Molavi H
来源:International Journal of Psychological Studies, 2011.


It is more than a century that children with learning disability have been studied by educational experts, and this topic has been studied as a new branch. Learning disability is a kind of disorder which affects all aspects of the child*s life. Children suffering from this disability have some disorders in their visual, auditory and touch perception. These perceptional problems cause limitations in understanding social issues, and some problems in communicating with other people and peers. The training methods which have so for been used for learning disability have focused only on one aspect of the disease and have improved only sensory, perceptional or motor aspects. This study aims at providing a new restorative method in which all the three, i.e. sensory, perceptional and motor aspects, are taken into consideration. In this method that we introduced in this article, after evaluating children by means of mixed methods we try to develop the child*s sensory perceptive physical skills. After the training sessions, the children can be re-tested and the results can be compared.
