species of plebejum group comprises seven extant small species of giant water bugs. this group is currently reported from honduras to southern south america. two new species are described as a result from a revisional study of this group: belostoma estevezae ribeiro %26 alecrim, sp. nov., from mato grosso state, brazil, and b. nessimiani ribeiro %26 alecrim, sp. nov., from amazonas state, brazil. the prosternal keel of b. estevezae, sp. nov., is similar to that of b. nicaeum est谷vez %26 polhemus, 2007, while the male genitalia structures of b. nessimiani, sp. nov., is similar to those of b. parvum est谷vez %26 polhemus, 2007. a key to the species of plebejum group with new species included is also provided.