the restinga de jurubatiba national park is located on the northern coast of rio de janeiro state (municipalities of maca谷, carapebus and quissamˋ). there are 12 families, 21 genera and 32 species, with the following families present: blechnaceae, cyatheaceae, davalliaceae, dennstaedtiaceae, dryopteridaceae, gleicheniaceae, lycopodiaceae, polypodiaceae, pteridaceae, salviniaceae, schizaeaceae and thelypteridaceae. the most species-rich families are pteridaceae (5 spp.) and polypodiaceae (5 spp.). nephrolepis, polypodium and thelypteris were the richest genera. of the 32 species recorded for the area, 23 are terrestrial herbs, three are epiphytes, three are aquatics, two are arborescent and one is a hemiepiphyte. the periodically flooded forest was the richest in species and families; the beach thicket presented the lowest values. the fern flora of several areas of restinga on the brazilian coast showed low similarity values; this is also true for restingas and atlantic forest. blechnum serrulatum and polypodium triseriale are commonly found in areas of restinga. of the 32 species studied, 17 have economic potential (medicinal, ornamental and food).