We report on the efficient creation of a sample of 2.2x10(4) fermionic polar molecules (NaK)-Na-23-K-40 in their rovibrational ground state X-1 & sigma;(+) |& nu; = 0, J = 0 & rang; at 247 nK via an intermediate state of the spin-orbit coupled complex B-1 & pi; |& nu; = 4 & rang; & SIM; c(3)& sigma;(+) |& nu; = 25 & rang;. Compared with the intermediate state of the coupled complex B-1 & pi; |& nu; = 12 & rang; & SIM; c(3)& pi;(+) |& nu; = 35 & rang;, this intermediate state has the larger Franck-Condon factors for up- and down-leg coupling of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP). We demonstrate this two-photon pathway to the (NaK)-Na-23-K-40 ground state molecules and find that the one-way STIRAP transfer efficiency reaches 75%. The molecules (NaK)-Na-23-K-40 in their rovibrational ground state are an ideal candidate for the quantum simulation and quantum information of ultracold molecules with long-range interaction.
单位山西大学; 量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室