Objective. - Vulvar cancer is rare. In France, surgical management of this cancer is codified by national guidelines. The aim of this survey was to evaluate its surgical management regards to the French guidelines. %26lt;br%26gt;Materials and methods. - Six hundred questionnaires were given to surgeons during two French congress in 2009. They focused on the surgeon (age, sex, occupation, center of work, practice of vulvar surgery, number of cancers treated individually and in the center), and the disease (initial work-up, surgical management and adjuvant therapy). Three case reports were also proposed, related to vulvar cancer management. %26lt;br%26gt;Results. - Seventeen percent of surgeons (n = 102) answered the questionnaire. Only half of them (52.9%) managed vulvar cancer. Of them, 83.2% reported treated less than five cancers per year; 87.4% of centers treated less than 10 vulvar cancers per year. Only 8.7% of surgeons respected the guidelines for the three case reports. The compliance rate was 80.5% for case A; 63.7% for case B and 22.5% for case C. No difference in answers%26apos; conformity to the guidelines was found according to age of surgeons, experience, workplace, number of cancers treated per year and centers. %26lt;br%26gt;Conclusion. - Despite some limits of our study, it appears that vulvar cancer management is often not conform to the French guidelines raising concerns on their insufficient diffusion and creation of expert centers.