An芍lise semiquantitativa de bi車psias cir迆rgicas de diferentes lobos pulmonares de pacientes com pneumonia intersticial usual/fibrose pulmonar idiop芍tica

作者:Gonalves; Jose Julio Saraiva; Leo; Luiz Eduardo Villaa; Ferreira; Rimarcs Gomes; Oliveira; Renato; Ota; Luiz Hirotoshi; Santos; Ricardo Sales dos
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2009, 35(7): 676-682.


objective: to evaluate the differences between surgical biopsies of distinct lung lobes in terms of the histopathological features of usual interstitial pneumonia, using a semiquantitative score. methods: we selected all of the patients diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and submitted to surgical biopsy in two distinct lobes between 1995 and 2005 at the hospital sˋo paulo and other hospitals operated by the federal university of sˋo paulo. in the histological evaluation of the specimens, we used a semiquantitative method based on previous studies, assigning a score to each of the biopsied sites. results: in this sample of patients, we found no statistically significant differences that would alter the stage of the disease, based on the score used. this finding was independent of the biopsy site (middle lobe or lingular segment). conclusions: no significant histological differences were found between the lung lobes studied. the definitive histological diagnosis of usual interstitial pneumonia did not alter the stage of the disease.
