background: gianotti-crosti syndrome (gcs) is a rare, self-limited disease characterized by a symmetrical erythematopapulous, acral-based eruption. in most cases a definite relationship with a viral infection can be established, especially when hepatitis b or epstein-barr viruses are involved. however, few case reports on associations between gcs and human herpesvirus 6 (hhv6) have been published to date. objective: to study clinical and laboratorial aspects as well as to investigate the role of viral pathogens in the etiology of gcs cases from belem (pa), brazil. patients and methods: from august 1996 to december 2002, ten children with a clinical diagnosis of gcs were investigated through routine laboratory exams and serologically screened for several virus specific antibodies. a diagnosis of gcs was considered for cases that presented clinical aspects considered suggestive, together with one or more of the following criteria: elevated titers of hepatic enzymes, lymphocytosis, positive viral serology or history of a prior vaccination. results: six out of 10 children (60%) showed evidence of hhv6 primary infection, as demonstrated through specific igm-antibody positivity. conclusion: anti-hhv6-igm antibody positivity in 6/10 patients suggests that the pathogen can play a role in the etiology of gcs. consequently, the authors recommend that this virus is added to the routine serological tests when exanthematous processes are concerned, especially those with a morphology suggestive of gcs.