the dentin-pulp complex shares the odontoblast, whose body is located in the external part of the dental pulp. the odontoblast process emerges from the apical pole and penetrates the dentinal canaliculus through the dentine producing multiple collaterals along the way. descriibing the process was an arduous task for researchers, who combined histological techniques to preserve it in the interior of the canaliculi using transmission electron microscopy or scanning to visualize it. in a previous work we observed both tissues joined by the odontoblasts and the stained processes. the objective now was to micrometrically measure the length of the processes and canaliculi to verify if they are similar in the crown and in the root. thirty healthy teeth were used, extracted for orthodontic reasons, from individuals of both sexes whose ages ranged from 6 to 18. the dental pulp was uncovered and attached, and they were divided in equal parts. the halves without pulp were prepared with the erosion technique. the halves that kept the pulp were demineralized with type ii collagenase and stained with the schmorl technique. with an optical microscope and a calibrated grid with a micrometric objective the width of the histological fields was first measured and then the length of the dentinal processes and canaliculi. the results were analyzed with chi2 test, student t and fischer%26apos;s exact test with a 5% significance level. we observed that the width of the stained histological fields had a 92 % retraction compared to the same field in the erosion and that the length of the canaliculi was always greater than the length of the processes, although four coincidences in length were found in the crown and one in the root. these results suggest that the length of the process is still a controversial topic. professional precaution in odontological treatments is the safest prevention against injuries.