purpose: to suggest a standardization, in the english language, the formatting of the citation of the research centers. methods: from three more recent publications of the first 20 journals available in brazilian portal of scientific information - coordenaˋˋo de aperfeiˋoamento de pessoal de n赤vel superior (capes), with bigger factor of impact during the year of 2004, according of information in isi web of knowledge journal citation reports database in biennium 2004-2005, had extracted the formats of citations of the research centers. an analogy to the institutional hierarchie step of the federal university of sao paulo (unifesp) was carried out, and the formats most frequent, in the english language, had been adopted as standard to be suggested to cite the research centers for sending articles. results: in relation to the citation %26quot;departamento%26quot;, was standardized %26quot;department of ...%26quot; (being %26quot;...%26quot; the name in english of the department), to the citation %26quot;programa de p車s-graduaˋˋo%26quot; %26quot;... program%26quot;, %26quot;disciplina%26quot; %26quot;division of ...%26quot;, %26quot;車rgˋos, grupos e associaˋˋes%26quot; %26quot;... group %26quot;, %26quot;setor%26quot; %26quot;section of...%26quot;, %26quot;centro%26quot; %26quot;center for ...%26quot;, %26quot;unidade%26quot; %26quot;... unit %26quot;, %26quot;instituto%26quot; %26quot;institute of ...%26quot;, %26quot;laborat車rio%26quot; %26quot;laboratory of ...%26quot; and %26quot;grupo%26quot; %26quot;group of ...%26quot;.