S赤ndrome de Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber: associaˋˋo do tratamento operat車rio 角 escleroterapia por espuma

作者:Flumignan; Ronald Luiz Gomes; Cacione; Daniel Guimares; Lopes; Silvia Iglesias; Clezar; Caroline Nicacio Bessa; Queiroz; Carolina Dutra; Pereira Filho; Aecio Rubens Dias; Barros Jr; Newton de; Miranda Jr; Fausto
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2011.


the klippel-trenaunay-weber syndrome is the association of hemangioma, venous ectasia, and hypertrophy of the affected body segment. we report the case of a 39-year-old male followed-up since 1993 due to onset of symptoms in the left lower limb. he was treated only with the use of elastic stockings and general measures. over the years, he had worsening of venous stasis, of bone hypertrophy, and of skin hyperpigmentation. color-coded doppler ultrasonography of the lower limbs showed patency of the deep venous system, venous overflow, segmentar insufficiency of the greater saphenous vein with signs of thrombophlebitis, and insufficient tributary veins. in order to improve venous stasis, ligation of the left sapheno-femoral junction and retrograde foam sclerotherapy (polidocanol 3%) with resection of tributary veins were performed. the patient was discharged in the first postoperative day and has been followed as an outpatient, presenting significant improvement of the symptoms.
