purpose: presentation of the total energy of rupture biomechanical test to evaluate the intrinsic resistance of the ratˋs left colon which presents a non-linear viscoelastic property. methods: implementation of total energy of rupture test (etr) and the biomechanical data acquisition and analysis system (sabi 2.0) based on physic-mechanical, computational and biomechanical concepts. fifteen specimens of wistar adults ratˋs left colon where considered for experiments. results: using the ter biomechanical test it was possible calculate the accumulated total energy necessary to promote the specimens rupture during the mechanical trial. it was also possible to generate descriptive and statistics reports and graphics through the data acquisition and analysis automatization and management. conclusion: based on physic-mechanical, computational and biomechanical concepts, the total energy of rupture test provides mathematical analysis of the ratˋs left colon segment behaviour during the experiments, demonstrating to be a possible method to measure the intrinsic resistance of this biological material presenting non-linear viscoelastic property.