this work purposed to make a comparison between antimicrobial activity of crude extracts from cladonia substellata, collected at minas gerais and par芍 states, brazil, using the diffusion solid medium methods. ether, chloroform, and acetone extracts, at 1 mg/ml, 0.1 mg/ml, and 0.01 mg/ml, were tested against human pathogens and phytopathogens. the extracts were submitted to thin layer chromatography and their active principles attributed by biochromatography. the results demonstrated that the seven fungi species tested were no sensitive to extracts from c. substellata from par芍. on the other hand, four of these microorganisms were inhibited by c. substellata extracts from minas gerais. all extracts were active to the same bacteria species, but samples from minas gerais showed the highest activity. among the inhibited bacteria staphylococcus aureus was the less sensitive, with an opposite behavior to phytopathogen ones, that showed the highest sensitivity. chromatographic assays revealed the presence of usnic acid in all extracts, thus in the most content in par芍 samples. the biochromatograms reveals usnic acid as active principle of the species, and a synergic action to norstictic acid found in minas gerais samples, what justify its highest activity.