Relato de caso: implante transparietohep芍tico de cateter de longa perman那ncia para di芍lise

作者:Nasser; Felipe; Biagioni; Rodrigo Bruno; Campos; Roberta Cristina Almeida; Silva; Emanuella Galvo de Sales e; Barros; Orlando Costa; Burihan; Marcelo Calil; Ingrund; Jose Carlos; Neser; Adnan
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2007.


transhepatic insertion of long-term dialysis catheter is an exception procedure used to obtain access in patients with central vein occlusion of lower and upper limbs. we report on a case of a young patient with history of dialysis for 15 years, who was submitted to an unsuccessful renal transplantation. this patient was in dialytic emergency and had confirmed occlusion of upper limb central veins and iliac veins. transhepatic insertion of a long-term catheter was performed under general anesthesia. the catheter tip was placed at the level of the right atrium. dialysis was satisfactorily performed on the same day.
