
to improve the knowledge about sandy restinga forests in rio grande do sul, the floristic and phytosociological study of the tree component of five restinga woods from parque estadual de itapuˋ was accomplished. in this comparative study, the plot method was used, including all individuals with minimum dbh of 5 cm and totaling an area of 1,02 ha. the floristic composition resulted in a total richness of 31 species, 26 genera and 20 families, considering the five woods together. the total tree density in the woods had a media of 1,023 ind/ha. the richest family was myrtaceae and, among the most important species, sebastiania serrata (baill. ex m邦ll. arg.) m邦ll. arg. and ficus organensis miq. were found. species diversity was low, varying from 1,08 to 2,38 nats.ind-1. the results obtained point to the existence of differences in the forests tree composition and structure that may outcome from different sucessional stages and from the seed source area distance.
