Conociendo las virtudes del PET-TAC, proponemos la fusi車n PET-RNM en estudios ginecol車gicos, debido a la superior sensibilidad y exactitud en lesiones p谷lvicas de RNM sobre TAC.Exponemos los casos de tres pacientes en las que el mismo d赤a se les realiz車 PET de cuerpo completo y a ra赤z de sus hallazgos, posterior RNM p谷lvica. Como antecedentes, la primera con c芍ncer de mama intervenido y miomas uterinos, la segunda con astenia y malestar general; y la tercera con antecedentes de hipernefroma y adenocarcinoma endometrial. En dichos casos la RNM permiti車 localizar con fidelidad los focos p谷lvicos de hipermetabolismo de la FluorDeoxiGlucosa (FDG) apreciados en PET.La alta definici車n estructural de RNM de alto campo y la informaci車n metab車lica PET nos permiti車 realizar diagn車sticos m芍s exactos que si se hubieran empleado cualquiera de ambas t谷cnicas por s赤 solas.La fusi車n PET-RNM permiti車 la posibilidad de realizar estudios ginecol車gicos m芍s completos y precisos. Knowing the virtues of PET.CT, we propose the fusion of PET and MRI in gynaecological studies owed to the upper sensibility and accuracy in pelvic lesions of MRI over CT. We expose the cases of three patients that were performed a PET study and with its findings, then were performed a pelvis MRI. First patient was operated on breath cancer and had uterine myomas; second one had general malaise and asthenia; and the third one had antecedents of hypernefroma and endometrial adenocarcinoma. In this three cases, MRI allowed to find accurately the focal points of hypermetabolism of FDG noticed in PET.The high structural definition of high field MRI and PET metabolic information allowed to obtain more accurate diagnoses that if we used PET or MRI alone.PET-MRI fusion offer us the means to do more complete and accurate gynaecological studies.