Adaptaˋˋo e avaliaˋˋo da consist那ncia interna do Postpartum Thoughts and Behavior Checklist

作者:Kurtinaitis; Laila da Camara Lima; Zambaldi; Carla Fonseca; Dutra; Tarcisio Gomes; Santos; Marilia Suzi Pereira dos; Silva Junior; Amaury Cantilino da; Viana; Karine Porpino; Sougey; Everto Botelho
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 2011.


objective: to translate, adapt, evaluate the applicability, and to obtain data regarding the internal consistency of postpartum thoughts and behavior checklist. this checklist is a specific instrument for postpartum which identify the presence and the content of intrusive thoughts related to newborn as well as the neutralization strategies used after these thoughts. method: the translation of the instrument into portuguese was carried out by two bilingual mental health professionals. afterwards, a back translation was performed by two english teachers. the back translation version was evaluated by the author of the scale and applied in 91 new mothers who were users of health public service. results: the translated version of postpartum thoughts and behavior checklist was considered equivalent to the original instrument in english. the participants did not show difficulties to understand the checklist items. the internal consistency, measured through cronbach%26apos;s alpha, was 0,822. conclusion: the portuguese version of postpartum thoughts and behavior checklist could be considered appropriated for using in studied population in order to evaluate obsessive thoughts related to newborn during postpartum and possible strategies to neutralize these thoughts. the checklist could also bring significant contributions to the clinical practice.
